California Association of Community Managers
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Enhance Your Professional Presence - (Online0924)

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Enhance Your Professional Presence



Day 1: 9/3/2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Day 2: 9/4/2024 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Venue: Zoom

Member Rate: $195

Non-Member Rate: $290


This interactive course engages you in assessing your professional presence. Increase your level of credibility and professionalism by effectively managing all aspects of the way you communicate with others – visually, verbally and in writing.




- Understand the power of language and effective listening while developing facilitation skills and ways to overcome objections;


- Tailor your communications with an understanding of communication styles, generational differences and socio-economic group sensibilities;


- Present information, appropriately, for solving problems, managing change and selling an idea;


- Create effective written communications, including establishing email protocol; and


- Utilize new ways to stay organized and effectively manage personal social media accounts.

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